I recently re-read this little thing I wrote back in the summer of 2003. I need that perspective again...
"I knew you to be a hard man..."
Is it possible
To be at once ambitious
And idle?
To dream of glory
And to do nothing?
What is a dream
But a longing for
Some tangible change for the better,
Some possible or impossible ideal?
What is ambition
But the energy of dreams?
How does this fit with idleness?
Somewhere beneath the dream
Is the knowledge
That the ideal is impossible,
That betterment is unlikely;
And this is
The object
That quells the force
Of ambition.
Thus am I doomed
To waste away
My precious breaths
And hours
And days
And years.
I encounter
An irresistible force
That shakes the foundations
Of the knowledge
And speaks anew truth:
That the ideal is accomplished,
That betterment is eternal;
And overthrows the object
And propels me
By its limitless energy
To high achievement--
But only if
I surrender the dream
And the glory.