Monday, June 04, 2007

A little thought, a little prayer these days.

"He speaks, and the sound of His voice/ Is so sweet, the birds hush their singing..."

I have been thinking about evangelism lately...I've heard, through my life, various approaches to this command. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father who is in Heaven" is a popular one, supported also by "Show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith by what I do." I've heard it said that your life is a better witness than your words. I believe it. But to what is my life attesting?

I cannot speak the words of the gospel clearly if I do not believe them to the saving of my soul. Can my very soul be saturated with the very essence of God--can I die verily with Christ and live again only because He also lives--


I'm getting married. and I am to be baptized next Sunday. How does this outward profession of faith and death and life and sanctification and covenantal symbolism affect my daily living?

to live is Christ. --but Christ and His gospel are often, to me, only intellectually accepted as truth, giving me no hope of holiness and no love for anyone. I don't understand the deep love of Jesus. I cannot believe that he would devote that sacred Head for such a worm as I.

but He did. humble me, Lord. humble me.

I think marriage will certainly be a learning experience about the sacrificial love of Christ for His church--not that I expect my husband to live it perfectly, but I know that I am already deeply grateful that my beloved chose me to love...chose me when I did not choose him, when I did not want anything to do with his love.

I hope I am beginning to see this a little more clearly. My life cannot reflect the gospel if my soul is not convinced of Christ's eternally enduring love. May I then abide in Christ...if He loves me, what or whom shall I fear?

neither death
nor marriage
nor procreation
nor student loans
nor childbirth
nor anything else in all creation

"...I am weak, but He is strong..."



Anonymous said...

A lovely post. :)

Lani said...

That was beautiful. You have a way of putting such deep emotions into words. Things that others may feel, but never be able to express. You have an amazing gift.
I hope all is going well with you. I know you're probably busy with wedding plans. Wish we could make it up but I don't think it's going to happen. We'll be thinking about you!
Love, Lani

Unknown said...

curious post, holly. i'm not sure what to make of the term "covenantal symbolism". is marriage another kind of "covenantal symbol"? or is it something more? can it be something more? have you ever read c.s. lewis' article on translation?

HSS said...

I was actually referring to the baptism by that phrase, not the know, the "bumper sticker"? :) No, I haven't read the article...what is it?

Unknown said...

actually, it's called "transposition" and it's in the book "christian reflections". i think you might find it interesting. i'll get back to you.....